

Click on a project to view details.

Debug Output Toasts

A simple Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application which captures Windows debug api output messages, with optional filtering and "toast" notifications.

Flap with Friends

A web remake of the infamous Flappy Bird video game, utilizing WebGL for performance and built into a Docker container for portability.


A single-page web application showcasing background, skills, and completed projects.

Tower Maze

Tower Maze is a real-time, multiplayer maze exploration game utilizing WebSocket and depth-first traversal maze generation.

Story Squad

Story Squad is a progressive web app for encouraging young children to sharpen their language, drawing, teamwork, and critical thinking skills through weekly competition.

Empowered Conversations

Empowered Conversations is a web app that acts as an ice-breaker for sensitive discussions by preparing the recipient with conversational advice prior to starting the interpersonal communication.


Gigapet is a web app for parents to track the eating habits of their children while motivating the kids by giving their digital pet energy with every meal.

My Top Nine

An online favorites list, My Top Nine, allows users to create accounts and form categorized lists of up to 9 items.

Wunderlist 2.0

An online to-do list, Wunderlist 2.0 is a web app for creating and updating your tasks.